Saturday, 4 October 2008

From the beginning

Welcome to my blog and my first posting, I aim to add information about my website and other stuff so that you can get to know the person behind
If you dont already know i'm a mother of 4 fab kids and wife to a wonderful husband. I run my business from our very small terraced house which believe me is bursting at the seams but it wouldn't be home if it didn't.
I started running my own business from home because I had to give up my full time job as a mobile beauty therapist. The reason for this is its very difficult taking a newborn baby to visit clients and when I couldn't do that I lost a lot of my regular customers.
It was only by chance that came about, being short of money having to buy basic clothing from our local supermarket I wanted to make them more attractive and different so I used fabric paint to paint designs. I'm not the type of person that can just sit around and the Internet is a great source of inspiration so I got to work finding ways to sell small items on the Internet. It wasn't an instant success but you have to start somewhere and it was nice that I could look after my daughter and work in my own time. The website came about again by chance, my dad registered it some years back and wasn't using it and felt that it would be a great name and base for my new little business.
Now almost 4 years on its a great little business that I'm very proud to have started it.
Well thats a starter I hope you come back because I do have lots to talk about!!!!


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